SAVE !! SAVE !! SAVE !! with EXCITING...Monterey Discount Coupons - Save at Top Monterey Shops , Restaurants , Hotels, Businesses, Tours, Boating , Golf and more !!
Come Visit Monterey and use these exciting coupons to save money at Monterey Best Tourist locations and destinations.
Who benefits from these coupons ? Monterey Business can make more money from a higher customer base,while passing on the savings to happy satisfied customers.
When local customers and vacationing tourist use discount coupons they are far more likely to return time and time again.
Many will give high recommendations on your business establishments which can cause your Monterey Bay Business to grow greatly using coupons they download right here on my website.
The Internet now creates more coupons online that can be downloaded than all the businesses world wide.
The future is here......Lets all vacation in Monterey California.....these exciting coupons are AWESOME !!
This section coming soon ....... !!
Hi everyone.....as top web designer I learned that creating a website or blog that is excepted by the business community requires trust, I first post this site up well over a year ago, to first draw in attention of a world wide market place.
Monterey is one of the top vacation spots in the world and my goal was to create a site that people trust that recieves high rankings on the Internet.
If you're Interested in placing your coupons from your business on my site, please email me at
MontereyBaynet@aol.com my prices are $65.00 a month and a minimum ad coupon placment of 2 months.
All coupons must be 5 inches tall in height by... 3 Inches wide...the size can be slightly smaller or larger because most computers and printers will print at different sizes anyways.....as long close enough.
Coupons should all have experation dates posted....If you have your coupon designed send it by email.
If you have no coupon designed yet, I can create one for your business for a small fee of $39.95 but I will need to see your business logo .
You must own a Monterey Business, Carmel Business, Pacific Groove or Sea Side Business to be listed on this site !! Please no outsiders....This site is only to promote Monterey Bay and Monterey County area's for both tourist trade and local residents living here !!
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