...Hi Everyone, I'm LaVern Williams
....To my shock I found out this blog was worth over $312 Million Dollars with near 500,000 backlinks aimed at it and over 140,000 visitors each day
....Is The Monterey Bay Pacific Coast Network Worth $312,857,143.17 ?
People are excited at what I have created, and it's estimated that this very blogsite you're on right now is worth over $312 Million Dollars.
....First off I must say I can't hardly believe it !! There has got to be a huge mistake !! ( Ok... Update as of Nov 9,2009 - My website is still worth over $312 Million Dollars....I am not kidding....But no way is it worth this I am sure there's some computer software messing up at either Alexa or Cubestat !!..so we sit and wait !! )
Anyways to my surprise and shock, I have many excited people congratulating me on my fast rise to success on the Internet.
Over the years it is true, that I have created some top ranked websites ranked on many of the front pages of google in music and for jazz,rock and blues guitar.
So yes I have the skills to make money online. But never anything like this !! I have sold my music online, taught music lessons,guitar, jazz theroy and ect....and I have made more money online than anyone I know or have heard of....still nothing as big as this.
My opinion is there must be a mistake somewhere, but till then, thousands of people every hour are flooding into this site !!
Monterey Bay - The Place I Love !!
....I truly love the city of Monterey with it's Fisherman's Wharf, The Monterey Aquarium,Cannery Row with it's many Tourist shops, restaurants, Luxury Hotels and scenic ocean views.
....I also wanted to help educate people world wide and here in California about our Pacific Ocean ecosystem - and what is being done in the over 6000 square mile area of ...The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
I think it's very important to help support the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and I also want to help build even farther the tourist Industry which already attracts over 4 Million Visitors to our great city each year !!
....The real truth is - I love The Monterey Bay Peninsula and Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf area.
I regularly go out on whale boat tours, as much as I can, and even if I don't have time for a 3 hour whale boat tour, I still take a smaller 25 minute tour of Monterey Bay in the Little Mermaid for only $10 Bucks and what a great deal !! I highly recommend taking the tour on the Little Mermaid which is a Glass Bottom boat that seats about 20 to 25 people I 'm guessing....
Any ways from the Little Mermaid glass bottom boat, you can view all kinds sea and marine life from dolphins to tons of sea otters and sea lions sun bathing on rocks by the thousands, it's a real treat to see. Also when on the glass bottom boat you can view the world famous Monterey Bay Kelp Forest through the glass bottom windows below. On my last trip out on the glass bottom boat we saw thousands of orange jellyfish swimming in the bay , it was AWESOME !!
Also visitors can see many large pelicans and seabirds of all kinds and other marine wildlife.
...Please note: Even though I have been on the boat tours many times over the years, I love to see young kids get excited for the first time viewing real ocean marine life close up in our own Monterey Bay !!......It wonderful to watch children come alive and explore the ocean for the first time as ocean sea spray from waves are slightly cresting over the bow of the boat and they get their first taste of salt water....and yes friends.... getting a little wet is part of the adventure !!
I ask you is there anything better?
In just the past 3 months I have been on these your boats 4 times !!
There's just something special that happens when you're at sea, you feel alive, and life is worth living !! Your heart is full of adventure and it never grows old.
There's always something new to see and enjoy !!
And it's great to share the ocean with someone you love !!
My Other Goals For This Blogsite Are...
....My other goals with this blog site is to bring visitors closer to our Monterey Bay Sea Of Enchantment !!....and also take visitors online across the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel,Pebble Beach and the 17 Mile Drive, Pacific Grove, Seaside and Marina Beach area.
....I guess through my love for Monterey Bay and Monterey Peninsula many people have come to know my blogsite !!
....So is my site worth $312 Million Dollars.....geeeee I don't know.
I will post a screen shot taken from Cubestat below that ranks websites and values them.
My feeling is people are Interested In Monterey, and I myself love the beauty and magnificent scenic Pacific Ocean. My father N Law has a house in Pebble Beach right by the Famous 17 Mile Drive, so I get great ocean pictures which I will post here online soon.
This site was created for my love of Monterey Bay !!
And I wish to share it with the world !!
So tour my site and enjoy !!
....Anyways below is a Screenshot of my Cubestat Calculator Value...it's shocking !! To view the Picture full size to read easy, just click your mouse on the picture and it will enlarge !!

I am so glad when an ambitious person succeeds! I lived in Monterey for ten years. I love the hell out of this community! Radio Free Monterey might just return also! I will return! Ooh here's a short historical fiction partly about the community called: http://pebblebeachthenovel.blogspot.com